Anasayfa/5. Sınıf Testleri/5.Sınıf İngilizce/5. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Ünite – General Revision 5. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Ünite – General Revision /15 5. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Ünite - General Revision Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 15 1. My favourite class is Maths because.... I love solving problems I am good at doing sports I dislike learning languages I enjoy doing experiments 2 / 15 2. Mary likes exciting and frightening movies. What should she watch? an animation movie a horror movie a documentary a science fiction movie 3 / 15 3. Which matching is wrong? 11:30= half past eleven 03:40= twenty to three 12:15= a quarter past twelve 09:20= twenty past nine 4 / 15 4. Which matching is NOT correct? If you have a tootache, see a dentist. If you have a flu, stay in bed and drink mint and lemon tea. If you have a cut on your finger, drink chicken soup. If you have a cough, take cough syrup. 5 / 15 5. What is the date today? It is February the twentieth. 22th February 12th February 2th February 20th February 6 / 15 6. I love playing........................with my friend. Dodgeball Blind Man's buff Chinese Whispers Hide and Seek 7 / 15 7. Sarah goes to bed .........10:00...........weekdays. at /on at/ in in/ on on/ in 8 / 15 8. If you have a backache, you ............................. shouldn't carry heavy things should put a plaster on it shouldn't drink cold water should see a dentist 9 / 15 9. Gargamel is a/an.........................character in Smurfs. evil funny helpful friendly 10 / 15 10. You need a piece of paper to do.......... checkers chess sculpting origami 11 / 15 11. Which of the following is different? How about going camping? I would like to but I have to visit my grandma. I'm afraid I can't. I must do my homework. I am sorry I can't. I have to study lesson. I'm busy but I will come with you. 12 / 15 12. I am at the bus station. How can I get to the hospital? You should go straight ahead and take the first right. You should go straight ahead and take the second right. You should go straight ahead and turn left. You should go straight ahead and take the second left. 13 / 15 13. Excuse me, where is the library? It is opposite the bakery It is behind the shopping mall It is between the hospital and the grocery store It is next to the car park 14 / 15 14. What is he doing? He is collecting eggs. He is feeding the cow. He is milking the cow. He is cleaning the barn. 15 / 15 15. Juan is from............... He is ....................... Greece/ Greek China/ Chinese Japan/ Japanese Indonesia/ Indonesian Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Kullanıcı adıPuanSüreR0%23 saniye