Anasayfa/6. Sınıf Testleri/6.Sınıf İngilizce/6. Sınıf İngilizce 8. Ünite – BOOKWORMS BY FELLOWS 6. Sınıf İngilizce 8. Ünite – BOOKWORMS BY FELLOWS /30 6. Sınıf İngilizce 8. Ünite - BOOKWORMS BY FELLOWS Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 30 1. I - - - - on a picnic with my family last weekend. Boşluğu doldurunuz. saw went did came 2 / 30 2. Zişan : - - - - was your holiday last summer? Zeynep : It was great. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. Where How When What 3 / 30 3. Nisa : - - - - did you get up yesterday morning? Firdevs : At seven o'clock. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. What Why What time Who 4 / 30 4. The plane is - - - - the cloud. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. on next to opposite over 5 / 30 5. The cat is - - - - the box. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. in under on over 6 / 30 6. Sude : - - - - did you do last weekend? Safiye : I did my homework. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. Why How Who What 7 / 30 7. The cat is - - - - the box. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. in front of under next to behind 8 / 30 8. Ayşe : - - - - the weather rainy yesterday evening? Zehra : No, it wasn't. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. What Where Were Was 9 / 30 9. I - - - - some interesting information in the magazines. Boşluğu doldurunuz. found played borrowed did 10 / 30 10. I - - - - early and I had my breakfast yesterday. Boşluğu doldurunuz. were took got up went 11 / 30 11. Esma : Did he meet his friends two days ago? İrem : - - - -. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. Yes, you did Yes, I did Yes, he did Ye, we did 12 / 30 12. Which one is a kind of book? Library Bookshelf Literature Information 13 / 30 13. Zeynep read three books last week. I think she is a real - - - -. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. word bookworm children homework 14 / 30 14. I was in the basketball - - - - with my friends. Boşluğu doldurunuz. cinema assignment park court 15 / 30 15. Hatice : - - - - were you at the weekend? Zelal : I was at home. Boşluğu doldurunuz. When Where Why What 16 / 30 16. I climbed trees and picked fruits with my sister a week - - - -. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. last ago yesterday morning 17 / 30 17. I - - - - my homework yesterday evening. Boşluğu doldurunuz. looked up did went saw 18 / 30 18. The cat is - - - - the box. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. near behind under on 19 / 30 19. I went to the cinema with my classmates last - - - -. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. ago weekend two days yesterday 20 / 30 20. I - - - - the meanings of some words in the dictionary. Boşluğu doldurunuz. got up looked up finished prepared 21 / 30 21. Which one is NOT a kind of book? novel animation poetry short stories 22 / 30 22. Which one is NOT a kind of book? Classmate Novel History book Science book 23 / 30 23. The elephant is - - - - the chair. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. next to in front of under on 24 / 30 24. Zeliha : - - - - did you visit your grandparents? Rümeysa : Three days ago. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. When Who How Where 25 / 30 25. I - - - - my friends on Saturday at the library. Boşluğu doldurunuz. played met came back read 26 / 30 26. Leyla : Were you at school on Sunday? Hayrunnisa : - - - -. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. No, he wasn't No, I wasn't No, she wasn't No, you weren't 27 / 30 27. I - - - - a science book from the library yesterday. Boşluğu doldurunuz. knew was borrowed bought 28 / 30 28. I called you at 4 p.m. yesterday, but you didn’t - - - -. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. answer course later better 29 / 30 29. Rana : Did you finish your homework on Saturday? Cemile : - - - -. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. Yes, I did Yes, you did Yes, she did Yes, he did 30 / 30 30. The dog is - - - - the carpet. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. under opposite in front of behind Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.